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There are 218 characters in Lord of the Rings.
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- Adalbert Bolger
- Adaldrida Bolger
- Adalgar Bolger
- Adalgrim Took
- Adamanta Chubb
- Adelard Took
- Alfrida of the Yale
- Amaranth Brandybuck
- Amethyst Hornblower
- Anborn
- Andwise Roper
- Angbor
- Angelica Baggins
- Anson Roper
- Araglas
- Aragorn I
- Aragorn Elessar
- Aragost
- Arahad I
- Arahad II
- Arahael
- Aranarth
- Aranuir
- Arassuil
- Arathorn I
- Aravir
- Aravorn
- Arwen Undómiel
- Asphodel Brandybuck
- Azog
- Basso Boffin
- Beechbone
- Belba Baggins
- Beregond
- Bergil
- Berylla Boffin
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bilbo Gardner
- Bodo Proudfoot
- Boromir
- Bosco Boffin
- Bowman Cotton
- Bregalad
- Briffo Boffin
- Buffo Boffin
- Carl Cotton
- Celeborn
- Ceorl
- Círdan the Shipwright
- Daisy Baggins
- Damrod
- Déagol
- Denethor II
- Derufin
- Dinodas Brandybuck
- Doderic Brandybuck
- Dodinas Brandybuck
- Donnamira Took
- Dora Baggins
- Dudo Baggins
- Duilin
- Duinhir
- Dúnhere
- Durin the Deathless
- Eglantine Banks
- Elladan
- Elrohir
- Elrond Peredhel
- Eomer
- Éomund of Eastfold
- Éothain
- Éowyn
- Erestor
- Erkenbrand
- Erling
- Esmeralda Took
- Everard Took
- Faramir
- Fastolph Bolger
- Ferumbras Took II
- Ferumbras Took III
- Flambard Took
- Forlong
- Fortinbras Took I
- Fosco Baggins
- Fram
- Fredegar Bolger
- Frodo Baggins
- Fundin
- Galadriel
- Galdor
- Gamling
- Gandalf
- Ghân-buri-Ghân
- Gilly Brownlock
- Gimli Elf-friend
- Gléowine
- Glóin
- Glorfindel
- Golasgil
- Goldberry
- Goldilocks Gardner
- Gorbag
- Gríma Wormtongue
- Grimbold
- Grishnákh
- Gruffo Boffin
- Gundabald Bolger
- Gundahad Bolger
- Gundolpho Bolger
- Guthláf
- Gwaihir the Windlord
- Halbarad
- Haldir
- Halfred Gamgee
- Halfred Gamgee
- Halfred Greenhand
- Háma
- Hamfast
- Hilda Bracegirdle
- Hildibrand Took
- Hildifons Took
- Hildigard Took
- Hildigrim Took
- Hirgon
- Hirluin
- Hob Gammidge
- Hobson
- Holfast Gardner
- Holman the Greenhanded
- Hugo Boffin
- Húrin
- Ilberic Brandybuck
- Imrahil
- Ingold
- Ioreth
- Isembard Took
- Isembold Took
- Lagduf
- Landroval
- Lindir
- Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
- Longo Baggins
- Lotho Sackville-Baggins
- Mablung
- Mauhúr
- Menegilda Goold
- Meneldor
- Meriadoc Brandybuck
- Muzgash
- Odo Proudfoot
- Old Man Willow
- Otho Sackville-Baggins
- Otto Boffin
- Pansy Baggins
- Pearl Took
- Peony Baggins
- Peregrin Took I
- Pervinca Took
- Pimpernel Took
- Pippin Gardner
- Polo Baggins
- Ponto Baggins I
- Ponto Baggins II
- Poppy Chubb-Baggins
- Porto Baggins
- Posco Baggins
- Primrose Gardner
- Primula Brandybuck
- Prisca Baggins
- Radagast the Brown
- Radbug
- Reginard Took
- Robin Gardner
- Rorimac Brandybuck
- Rose Cotton
- Rose Gardner
- Ruby Bolger
- Ruby Gardner
- Rudigar Bolger
- Rudolph Bolger
- Rufus Burrows
- Sadoc Brandybuck
- Salvia Brandybuck
- Samwise Gamgee
- Sancho Proudfoot
- Sapphira Brockhouse
- Saradas Brandybuck
- Saradoc
- Saruman
- Sauron
- Seredic Brandybuck
- Shagrat
- Shelob
- Snaga
- Snaga
- Targon
- Thengel the Thrice-renowned
- Theobald Bolger
- Théoden
- Théodred
- Théodwyn
- Thranduil
- Tom Bombadil
- Tosto Boffin
- Treebeard
- Uffo Boffin
- Ufthak
- Uglúk
- Vorondil
- Walda
- Wídfara
- Wilcome Cotton I
- Wilcome Cotton II
- Wilibald Bolger
- Wilimar Bolger
- Wiseman Gamwich
- The Witch-king of Angmar
There are196characters in Harry Potter.
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- Ludo Bagman
- Bathilda Bagshot
- Katie Bell
- Cuthbert Binns
- Phineas Nigellus Black
- Sirius Black
- Amelia Bones
- Susan Bones
- Terry Boot
- Lavender Brown
- Millicent Bulstrode
- Charity Burbage
- Frank Bryce
- Alecto Carrow
- Amycus Carrow
- Reginald Cattermole
- Mary Cattermole
- Cho Chang
- Penelope Clearwater
- Mrs. Cole
- Michael Corner
- Vincent Crabbe, Sr.
- Vincent Crabbe
- Colin Creevey
- Dennis Creevey
- Dirk Cresswell
- Bartemius (Barty) Crouch, Sr.
- Bartemius (Barty) Crouch, Jr.
- Roger Davies
- Dawlish
- Fleur Delacour
- Gabrielle Delacour
- Dedalus Diggle
- Amos Diggory
- Cedric Diggory
- Elphias Doge
- Antonin Dolohov
- Aberforth Dumbledore
- Albus Dumbledore
- Dudley Dursley
- Marjorie (Marge) Dursley
- Petunia Dursley (née Evans)
- Vernon Dursley
- Marietta Edgecombe
- Arabella Figg
- Argus Filch
- Justin Finch-Fletchley
- Seamus Finnigan
- Marcus Flint
- Mundungus Fletcher
- Filius Flitwick
- Florean Fortescue
- Cornelius Fudge
- Marvolo Gaunt
- Merope Gaunt
- Morfin Gaunt
- Anthony Goldstein
- Goyle Sr
- Gregory Goyle
- Hermione Granger
- Gregorovitch
- Fenrir Greyback
- Gellert Grindelwald
- Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
- Godric Gryffindor
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Rolanda Hooch
- Mafalda Hopkirk
- Angelina Johnson
- Lee Jordan
- Bertha Jorkins
- Igor Karkaroff
- Viktor Krum
- Silvanus Kettleburn
- Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black)
- Rabastan Lestrange
- Rodolphus Lestrange
- Gilderoy Lockhart
- Alice Longbottom
- Augusta Longbottom
- Frank Longbottom
- Neville Longbottom
- Luna Lovegood
- Xenophilius Lovegood
- Remus Lupin
- Walden Macnair
- Draco Malfoy
- Lucius Malfoy
- Narcissa Malfoy (née Black)
- Madam Malkin
- Griselda Marchbanks
- Olympe Maxime
- Ernie Macmillan
- Minerva McGonagall
- Cormac McLaggen
- Graham Montague
- Alastor (Mad-Eye) Moody
- Theodore Nott
- Bob Ogden
- Garrick Ollivander
- Pansy Parkinson
- Padma Patil
- Parvati Patil
- Peter Pettigrew
- Antioch Peverell
- Cadmus Peverell
- Ignotus Peverell
- Irma Pince
- Sturgis Podmore
- Poppy Pomfrey
- Harry Potter
- James Potter
- Lily Potter (née Evans)
- Quirinus Quirrell
- Helena Ravenclaw/The Grey Lady
- Rowena Ravenclaw
- Tom Marvolo Riddle
- Demelza Robins
- Augustus Rookwood
- Thorfinn Rowle
- Albert Runcorn
- Newt Scamander
- Rufus Scrimgeour
- Kingsley Shacklebolt
- Stan Shunpike
- Aurora Sinistra
- Rita Skeeter
- Horace Slughorn
- Salazar Slytherin
- Hepzibah Smith
- Zacharias Smith
- Severus Snape
- Alicia Spinnet
- Pomona Sprout
- Pius Thicknesse
- Dean Thomas
- Andromeda Tonks (née Black)
- Nymphadora Tonks
- Ted Tonks
- Travers
- Sybill Trelawney
- Wilkie Twycross
- Dolores Jane Umbridge
- Emmeline Vance
- Romilda Vane
- Septima Vector
- Lord Voldemort
- Myrtle Warren/Moaning Myrtle
- Arthur Weasley
- Bill Weasley
- Charlie Weasley
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Ginny Weasley
- Molly Weasley (née Prewett)
- Percy Weasley
- Ron Weasley
- Oliver Wood
- Corban Yaxley
- Blaise Zabini
- Aragog
- Bane
- Beedle the Bard
- The Bloody Baron
- Bogrod
- Buckbeak
- Sir Cadogan
- Crookshanks
- Dobby
- Errol
- Fang
- The Fat Friar
- The Fat Lady
- Fawkes
- Firenze
- Fluffy
- Gornuk
- Grawp
- Griphook
- Hedwig
- Hokey
- Kreacher
- Magorian
- Great Aunt Muriel
- Nagini
- Nearly Headless Nick
- Norbert/Norberta
- Peeves
- Pigwidgeon
- Madam Rosmerta
- Ronan
- Scabbers
- Scabior
- Travers
- Trevor
- Winky